Please select a topic from the shortcuts below, or scroll down to read all the questions and answers. If your question is not covered here or on the Trusted Security Advisers Register About page, please contact Peter for a personal response to your specific query.
Joining the Trusted Security Advisers Register
Is the Trusted Security Advisers Register really free to join ?
Yes it is. A few registrants have very kindly donated funds to the project via our PayPal link, however there is no obligation to do so.
I have some obscure InfoSec accreditations. How can I find out if they qualify me to join the Trusted Security Advisers Register?
No problem. Simply contact Peter with your specific circumstances. He likes to respond personally to all emails and will be very happy to advise you.
I don’t qualify to join the Trusted Security Advisers Register – can I still participate?
Yes! We want to match young people with useful work experience – please see our Information Security Work Placements page for details. Also, there are a number of discussion groups open to non-members; please visit the InfoSec Mailing Lists page for the full index.
Don’t forget that you can still join the Trusted Security Advisers Register if you have lapsed accreditations.
The text I submitted for my register entry has been edited. Why is this?
It could happen for a number of reasons but the most likely one is that you used some adjectives to market your business that we are unable to easily validate. We are keen that you are able to use TSAR to help market yourself, but the best way to do this together would be for you to have a separate website to say everything about who you are and what you do, and then to simply use TSAR to confirm what you are telling potential customers about your InfoSec credentials.
Credentials and Validation
Are advisers simply sending a list of credentials that you then add to your register?
Absolutely not. We must see evidence of a prospective registrant’s claimed credentials before they are validated and listed. Otherwise, the service would not be of any value to the customer, and thus no value to the listed advisers either.
I’ve lost the evidence relating to a particular credential. Can I still ask for it to be listed?
Yes, and no. We have to see evidence of every credential you wish to add to the Trusted Security Advisers Register but, if you are missing any evidence, it is possible that we already have an alternative method of validation for the certification body/bodies concerned. Please fill in the TSAR registration form with as much information as you can and we will try to help.
Having said this, please do all you can to provide us with relevant evidence so that we can provide an efficient service (remember Peter does this for free, and in his spare time!).
Can I register certification "XYZ" with TSAR?
If the certification body is listed in the blue box on the righthand side of the Trusted Security Adviser Register listings, then we most likely will be able to include it on the register.
If it is not listed, it is still worth contacting Peter to query it because we are adding more valid accreditations as we come across them.
Can I list my non-InfoSec credentials on TSAR?
No. In order to keep the register focused and useful, all credentials must be related to Information Security.
To give an example: if you have a degree Computer Science, we cannot include it on the register because it is too general, however a masters degree in Information Security or a more specific doctorate could be included.
Can I have a TSAR membership banner to display on my own website?
Wendy is currently working on this and it will be ready very soon.
Can I use the TSAR logo?
Wendy is in the process of writing some logo usage guidelines, and then we will make files available on the website.
Shouldn’t the project be correctly spelled "Trusted Security Advisors Register"?
You are very welcome to spell it either way!
The spelling of "advisor" with an "o" isn’t strictly correct, however it is used widely and so we have registered domains with the alternate spelling to also point at the website. This will hopefully ensure that as many people as possible can find us and, of course, you are able to spell it as your preference dictates.